>> Contact Paulides B.V.

How to contact us

For sales or general questions concerning the motors and drives of Paulides B.V. or to make an appointment, please contact Alpatek:

If you would need additional technical information about our products or if you want a specific motor or drive design, please contact us:

For research or development projects, the AE Group is at your service.

How to reach Paulides B.V.


Links to websites of related parties

Alpatek B.V. ⤴  - Distributor of Paulides B.V. products
Techniek Nederland ⤴  - The entrepreneurial organization for the installation industry and the technical retail sector
AE Group ⤴  - Technological center specialized in the design and realization of electrical machines and electromechanical systems
AurA ⤴  - International consulting company specialized in innovation and technology